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Terms and conditions

Important information and terms and conditions



These T&Cs are in the interest of safety, responsibility and welfare for our clients. We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will take immediate effect and it is the responsibility of our clients to read these.


We aim to provide the most natural environment for your dog. This means you and your dog may be exposed to natural elements, plants, insects and animals. While we try to eliminate and safeguard you and your dog as much as possible we are not in control of nature. Therefore we are unable to accept responsibility for any accident/irritation/illness caused by the natural environment, these are the same issues that you could face while out on a walk with your dog.



Payment is required in full before attendance to a class. To ensure you are guaranteed a place on a course, it is advisable to pay by BACS. By completing a training or behaviour form you have acknowledged that you are aware of our terms and conditions. Confirmation of your booking will be forwarded by email. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure they arrive at the right venue and at the correct time. Harmonious Dogs reserve the right of attendance for all courses and training services.

We cannot guarantee a place on a course unless prior payment has been made via a bank transfer or cash. We are not able to take cheques as payment. 



We limit the number of dogs in our classes to provide the appropriate trainer to dog ratio. Booking in advance guarantees a place on our courses.

You must not knowingly book a dog that shows aggression or nervousness onto a training course/workshop unless it is a specific course/session that is intended to address these issues. We reserve the right to excuse dogs that are aggressive in class unless we have assessed your dog for a socialisation class. If you do not advise us of potential problems and your dog shows aggression in class you will not be entitled to a refund. Contact us if you are not sure whether a class is suitable for your dog. If you are unsure about the suitability of your dog in class and have not asked us to assess your dog before your attendance, you will not be refunded if your dog is unsuitable for the class you have booked. If we have agreed to your dog attending but the dog is not suited to the class environment, we will offer you alternative arrangements, such as working with you on a one-to-one basis.

We are unable to refund course fees once the course has commenced and partial refunds for missed classes are not given. Please notify us beforehand if you will miss a class. Unfortunately, we are unable to reschedule sessions, however, we will endeavour to ensure you are able to catch up at your next attendance. Payment is made to secure your place in the appropriate group, if we cancel your payment will carry over.

Puppies must complete a 1-2-1 session, before booking on a block of 4 weeks course, to enable them to explore the environment and for us to assess which group is suitable for them.



When arriving at class please avoid meeting the other dogs on a lead. Not all dogs like to be near other dogs when restrained on a lead and may react as a consequence. Do not crowd doorways/gateways and allow plenty of room for a dog to enter and exit the hall/paddock. On arrival, enter the hall/paddock when requested. Do not allow dogs to play together outside the venue before a class, as this can cause excitement and a lack of attention during the session.

When arriving at the field please wait for the main yard gates to be opened as there may be dogs running free. Please park up and DO NOT get your dogs out until the main road gates are closed and you are asked to do so.

A toilet break before each class will ensure your puppy is empty and comfortable. Please be a responsible guardian and always clean up after your dog. Take home all used poo bags and do not leave these on the premises or outside in the car park.

Please consider others in the class and switch off your mobile phone. We ask that you do not hold conversations on your phone during a class. We may occasionally record for promotional and training purposes, however, please alert us if you do not wish to appear. We will have asked for consent to film/photograph on your joining form, if you decide you do not want to be filmed please tell us.


What to bring/wear:

For your dog:

Please bring treats, poo bags, harness, collar and lead. Also, it is advisable to bring coverings for your car especially for hot days, reflective car covers are required. If you do not have one on the day we can supply foil sheets that can be used a number of times, at a cost.

Many of our sessions take place outdoors therefore appropriate shoes/boots/wellies and weatherproof clothing is recommended. If you are coming to an outdoor workshop, in the summer, please bring sun cream. When attending sessions in a hall please wear comfortable, non-slip, flat shoes for safety reasons, as you will be moving about. You may be asked, during training, to get down on the ground, only if you are able to and feel comfortable to do so, therefore suitable attire is recommended.

We do accommodate all levels of ability and we are able to advise on ways to train and engage with your dog whatever your mobility.


Welfare and safety:

Please keep to areas of the field/building designated only for training purposes. All dogs must be kept under the guardian's control and on a lead, except where specifically instructed by our instructors. You are responsible for the conduct of your dog at all times. Dogs in class must not lunge or bark at other dogs present.

We provide a safe and secure environment as practicably reasonable and endeavour to apply good practices with all our training services. We endeavour to run all classes in a safe and professional manner as possible. Harmonious Dogs also takes all reasonable precautions when providing behavioural services to minimise the risk of injury from being bitten. However remote, dog training is not without risk therefore participation in training and behaviour services is at the owner’s risk. Harmonious Dogs or any of its individual assistants, or helpers, will not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to any persons, or dogs attending a course, or to their property and belongings, howsoever, caused during the provision of dog training activities.

All training provided will be by instructors who have been deemed by Harmonious Dogs to have the necessary experience and skills.

Use of information or advice is given in connection with the above sessions including but not limited to any liability for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or misleading or defamatory statements.

Owners are advised to have appropriate pet insurance cover that includes third party liability insurance. Harmonious Dogs Associates have their own public liability and relevant business insurance to run classes and provide behavioural counselling, providing adequate cover for our business liabilities.

Harmonious Dogs will not take responsibility for misinterpretation of advice. We believe the advice to be true and accurate as of the date of the session but can give no assurances or warranty regarding the accuracy, currency or applicability of any of the contents in relation to specific situations and particular circumstances. As such, the contents should not be relied upon and professional advice should be taken in specific cases. In addition, none of the content of the session will form any part of any contract between us or constitute an offer by us. Specific disclaimers may apply in addition to certain content or parts of the session.


Children in class:

We encourage family members to attend 1-2-1/classes. Children are welcome and when encouraged to participate often make competent handlers. Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Children are encouraged to behave appropriately in the presence of unfamiliar dogs and are requested not to run in class, or distract other dogs from working. For safety reasons, it is advisable all children are educated in how to approach an unfamiliar dog. We do provide instruction in how to interact with an unfamiliar dog.

Young children may not find training classes exciting. It can be challenging to supervise young children while training a dog. Very young children can become bored and may need another adult to supervise them. If you provide your children with entertainment during a class, please ensure it is quiet and will not distract the class.



Cancellations for a course that has been paid for requires at least 48 hours notice. Course fees will not be refunded within 48 hours notice of the course starting. We are unable to refund course fees once the course has commenced. Any refund will incur a £20.00 administration fee. No refunds are given for non-attendance to a course.

The Landlord of the venues may at short notice cancel our use of the hall/field. Should this occur you will be notified by email or phone call as soon as possible. Insufficient numbers booked onto a course may result in the course being postponed or cancelled. In this instance, you will be notified of future course dates or offered private tuition. If this is not acceptable a full refund will be given.

Requests for a refund and any cancellations, including for one-to-ones are made at the discretion of Harmonious Dogs and any decision is made on a case-by-case basis.


Start times:

1-2-1 and group sessions last for 45 minutes. Please arrive in time for each class. Latecomers can be disruptive to the other dogs in class. Dogs arriving late can experience stress if barked at by the other dogs. If you are late and we are working dogs off lead, for safety reasons the doors/ main gates will be closed. Please wait for a convenient moment and we will open the door/gates for you.


Our methods:

We practise kind, fair and effective techniques. Harsh handling of dogs is wholeheartedly discouraged and the use of check chains, lead jerking or smacking, is not permitted.

You may not use any gadget or device in class that we consider aversive, slips leads, pinch collars or any device, or method, that has the potential to cause injury. Any owner who continues to use harsh methods when asked not to, will be asked to leave our classes and not return.


Dogs unfit for class:

The welfare and safety of all dogs are paramount to us. Dogs in an unfit state of health due to illness, disease or injury cannot be brought to class. Do not bring your dog to class if they have been in contact with an infectious disease, such as kennel cough or conjunctivitis. If you are unsure as to whether your dog is well enough to attend, please refer to your Vet. If your dog is unable to attend you are encouraged to attend the class without your dog so you can maintain continuity of training.

Dogs should be adequately protected by vaccination as advised by your vet and verification may be requested.

Bitches in season are not permitted to attend a class. Please notify us if you consider that your bitch may come into season during a course. Refunds are not given though we may offer alternative arrangements, such as zoom or home-visit which may entail extra cost.


1-2-1 Training sessions:

The session will take place at the field or your home or at a suitable, agreed location, depending on the nature of the training. Practical aspects of the programme are included and will be demonstrated to you.

Fees must be paid at least 48 hours prior to the training session. If booking a 'package' of sessions, the total fee must be paid prior to the first appointment and all sessions in a pre-paid package must be taken within 3 months of that date. If you need to cancel your appointment please inform us, allowing 48 hours notice. Cancelled appointments with less than the notice period will incur a cancellation charge of £30.00.


Behavioural consultations:

Home consultations are carried out by either Alison or Katie or both together. Sometimes we may have an observer with us, usually someone in training. We will notify you of this beforehand.



A behavioural consultation helps to identify the underlying motivation for any unwanted behaviour. A programme will be devised for your needs based on our behavioural diagnosis and specific to your requirements to help you manage and modify this behaviour. Behavioural issues are often complex having taken time to develop. Therefore before proceeding it is necessary that any potential underlying medical condition or potential cause of pain that could be contributing to your pet’s behaviour is ruled out. Prior to your appointment you maybe be required to complete and forward the following:

  • We may ask for confirmation from your vet there are no underlying medical conditions.

  • A pre-completed questionnaire.

  • Sometimes we may request a video of the behaviour.

  • The consultation will take place at your home, field or zoom, we may ask to go for a walk. Any techniques needed to help you will be demonstrated. Please allow 1-1 ½ hours for the consultation.

  • Full payment is required seven days before consultation.

  • If you need to cancel, please notify us via email and the following terms will apply; 

  • If more than 48 hours notice – A £20 administration fee will apply. 

  • If less than 48 hours notice – A cancellation fee of £30 will apply plus an administration fee of £20.



Complex behaviour cannot be addressed within two sessions and follow up sessions will be required. We provide support via email, messenger, and phone during this period.

You are encouraged to liaise with us after the initial consultations for ongoing support.

It may be necessary for the more complex issues, such as aggression, multiple behaviour problems or for where there are multi-dog households, that follow-up visits are required. Any follow-up visits, should they be required, will be charged accordingly and you will be advised in advance of the cost.



Animal aggression can cause injury, including fatal injury, to other animals and people.

It is the responsibility of the guardian to ensure that their pet does not harm in the future. Precautions may involve but are not limited to, keeping a dog on a lead, the use of muzzle, advising other dog walkers that your dog is not comfortable with other dogs.

We advise you have adequate pet or household insurance cover for liability in the unlikely event of damage or injury caused by your dog to property or to a third party. It is strongly recommended that your dog is insured for third party liability with or without vet cover.

©2023 by Harmonious Dogs. 

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